Sunday, July 15, 2012

Groundnut-Almond chikki


Indian version of Flapjack  :-)
Quick to prepare and Healthy too..

Makes : Approximately 10-12


1/2  cup coarse Groundnut powder *
1/3 cup Sugar ( you can use jaggery instead of Sugar too )
1.5 Table spoon Ghee ( तूप )
1 Table spoon Almond powder ( Just grind few Almonds )

I would suggest to use a non stick pan for this recipe.

  1. Pour ghee in a pan. Once it melts, add sugar. (Keep the flame on low-medium so that no fear of burning the ingredients.)
  2. Keep stirring the mixture well.
  3. Approximately after 5 - 5.30 minutes you will see the texture of sugar will change and the whole mixture will get a mercury type consistency.
  4. Add the groundnut and almond powder in it. Stir gently.
  5. Mix well, let the whole mixture come together well. Stir for around 30 seconds and switch off the heat.
  6. Pour the mixture on a greased plate or an aluminium foil. ( I used ghee and applied it on a foil )
  7. Spread well by patting it with greased spatula or the wooden spoon you used to stir in the mixture. (This should be done as fast as possible since as the mixture starts to cool down it will not be possible to mold them into any shape.)
  8. Use knife or a pizza cutter and roll into the mixture and create square shapes into it.
  9. Just after 30-60 seconds you will see the Chikkis get stiff.
  10. Keep it aside to cool down fully for approximately 10 min.
  11. Ready to eat!!  

* : I roasted Groundnuts in Microwave for around 2 minutes and then powdered it in a food 


Kadalekai Chikki

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